Monday 20 February 2012

What You Need to Do If You Have Been in an Accident

Auto Accident Victim
The first thing you need to do if you have been involved in an auto accident, of course after removing yourself from imminent harm, is to call 911 and call for an ambulance if there is anyone who was hurt in the auto accident.

Once all victims are out of danger, you need to collect and write down as much information about the auto accident as you can. If the other party was at fault and you wish to collect damages, you will have to present this information to an auto accident lawyer.

After an auto accident, each party is responsible to get the names of the other parties to to incident their license number, and the insurance information of every driver involved in the accident. This information will come in handy whether or not you consult with an auto accident attorney.

Observe carefully to determine if any of the drivers were under the influence of alcohol. If you suspect alcohol might have been a factor in the accident, search for witnesses who can provide information about signs of alcohol intoxication in the party at fault. If you decide to make a claim in court with the help of an auto accident lawyer, it will still be your testimony in court against the other driver.

If you are serious about seeking the help of an auto accident lawyer then you or a friend must collect the names and contact information from all passengers, pedestrians, and witnesses to the accident. Eventhe storekeeper who viewed the whole auto accident from the other side of the street.

When talking with witnesses, it is important to note any statements they make about the accident. Pay attention as to whether they mention if anyone was injured, if anyone acknowledged causing the auto accident. For example, did anyone describe hearing someone say, “ I should have been wearing my glasses,” “ I should have been driving slower,” “ I spilled my hot coffee and it took away my attention for an instant,” “ I should have been paying closer attention,” etc. All of these details will be very helpful should you decide to contact a personal injury attorney or should another party take action against you.

Before leaving the scene of the car crash, make sure to meticulously record the place, date, and time of the automobile accident. This will be important information if you go ahead and contact a personal injury attorney.

As the earliest possible moment, take time to record a detailed description of the auto accident. Specifics worth noting include a physical account of the auto accident itself, including the directions all the vehicles were travelling in just before the accident, the condition of the road, weather conditions such as fog, rain, snow, darkness, icy surface, etc.. The account needs to include specifics about what happened, who and what was damaged. If the police were called to the accident scene, the description should state who received tickets, and what action the police took, such as ifthey administered a sobriety test to any of the drivers. It might be helpful to make a diagram to accompany the description.

Should you decide to contact an automobile accident attorney, be sure to bring all this material to the meeting.

Another thing you make sure to do before leaving the scene of the accident is to carefully observe the general condition of the autos involved in the automobile accident. Any problems such as bald tires, a flat, low tire, or a burned out headlight, which may have been there prior to the accident should be noted down. All these details should be brought with you to the office of the personal injury attorney at the time of the free consultation, or at least in your possession should someone decide to take action against you.

The care you take in preserving accurate details about the auto accident will help you whether you are dealing with insurance agents and or lawyers to resolve conflicting testimony about the auto accident.

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